Once your Exotel credit balance becomes zero/negative, all services are automatically discontinued, which indicates you will no longer be allowed to make and receive calls or send SMSs using Exotel. Whenever we detect that your current consumption may exhaust the whole of your available credits, we send a Low Balance Alert email to all account admins four days in advance (only if the notification for this kind is 'enabled on' on the dashboard). As a consequence, you must register with an email address that you often use in order to receive these notifications.

Whenever your credit balance reaches zero, we will email you Daily Recharge Reminders to support you in topping up your account for the following 10 days. If the account is not recharged after this time frame, the following will occur:

  1. All of your ExoPhones will be released to the pool so that someone else can acquire them. This number is no longer obtainable.
  2. You will need to add the sender id again if you acquire new exophones.

There are many ways to top up your Exotel Account. It is documented here.


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