Before you start logging to your softhone to receive calls from Exotel , please visit .
Here you will find the user credentials required to login . Set your VOIP password in this page first and you are all set to login in your softphone
The page in your Exotel dashboard shall look like this screenshot shown below

In the above page , you need to click on the "Set Password" link to set the password of your choice for the softphone . Once you set the password , login to your softphone like shown below
NOTE :- Please ensure you are using the Pro version of Zoiper , as the free version doesn't support TLS version
Step 1 :- Click on the settings button in the Zoiper home screen
Step 2 :- Select Account option in settings page , and fill the details as shown below
Domain name :- <VOIP Domain Address>
Username :- <VOIP Username>
Password :- <What you set in the settings page>
Outbound Proxy :- <VOIP Proxy Address>
Step 3 :- Click on the Advanced settings in the Accounts page and configure the below options
A. In the Network related option Choose TLS
B. In Encryption section -> Change the SRTP key negotiations from None to SDES by default
Step 4 :- Exit the Accounts Wizard and save the configuration
Post this you should be able to login successfully using Zoiper